This research project centers on the experiences of female law enforcement officers and their advancement into the upper ranks of an organization. The research is being conducted by Jennifer Taylor, a doctoral student at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM). The survey questions will cover various areas that you as a female officer may have experienced at one point or another in your career. You have been invited to participate in this project because you are a member of NAWLEE.

Your participation is voluntary, and, if you do choose to begin the survey, you may withdraw at any time by clicking the "exit this survey" box in the upper right-hand corner. If you decide to complete the survey, you will need approximately 20 minutes to do so.

To protect your confidentiality, no personal identifying information is requested during the survey. Also, your IP address will not be collected.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact the researcher at This research project is being used for scholarly purposes only and has been approved by USM's Institutional Review Board.